Gay IVF Success Rates

Live birth success rates for our gay male couples are outstanding



Gay IVF success rates RSc New England

IVF success rates recorded and published by the Society for Assisted Reproduction (SART) have little or no bearing on results for male couples (unless you will be using a relative or friend as your egg donor and/or gestational carrier who is in her mid 30s or older and may have fertility issues).

Typically our gay couples use the eggs from donors who are women in their mid 20s to very early 30s who are healthy without infertility complications. Similarly, a young woman who has had at least one prior pregnancy and live birth without complications is typically the best gestational carrier.

Success also depends on whether you and/or your husband/partner may have any male factor infertility issues.

Gay IVF Success Rates
Live birth success rates at Boston IVF for gay male couples are outstanding